Sunday, 14 September 2014

Post Snippet; Logic Traps

Apparently, this is how I would trap an angel...

My first thought was a logic trap, that is a confine where supernatural creatures are bound because the logic of the laws of nature has been reinforced around that area, such that they cannot leave. It may be postulated that angels as supernatural creatures of god may take only very limited actions when observed or when within a zone defined as inviolate - that is not subject to intervention because humankind holds sway there. If such a zone surrounded the creature unexpectedly, they could be shut down and caged.

The reason such a prison works is because god is mostly seen to be "hands off" which preserves our free will. If an angel is seen to be interfering or interferes in a high-risk zone, that would shatter the covenant and violate that prime law. Which, if shared, would erase the tenets we live by in society and invalidate much of what we do.

Whether people believe in god or not is not the issue, it's whether or not they have a choice. If something can scientifically be proved or shown en-masse, it could no longer be denied - at least for the most part. At that point, there's no difference between regular life and the end of days, where god reveals itself and everything is conjoined.

If I were an angel, I really wouldn't want to explain that mistake.

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Ahoy Thar Shipmaet! We be sailin' t3h failboat seas!