Sunday, 22 February 2015


It was gnarled. Gnarled and old. Of course, that was to be expected of a tree that shaded such an immense area. The hum that emanated from its lengthy branches was almost entirely due to the wildlife contained within, and had little to do with the passing of the wind. Squirrels scampered from branch to branch, seeking out nuts and carefully avoiding the few beehives that hung here and there. The buzzing insects shared the tree with all manner of other bugs, ants being chief among them, though they had most to fear from the hundreds of birds that nested happily in the warm foliage.

An eagle soared high above the tree, while rodents and other small game pelted for cover. Deer grazed quietly nearby, wandering between a small stream that sparkled in the hot mid-afternoon sun and the shade of the great tree, trying to keep cool.

It was perfect, I marveled as I lay on my belly in the tall grass, holding the weapon extended before me. That's why she would come; the Destroyer of worlds. My hands trembled and I prayed once more for strength as the air seemed to shimmer and twist in the sun.

Five minutes, that's all I needed.

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Ahoy Thar Shipmaet! We be sailin' t3h failboat seas!