Saturday, 30 August 2014

Introversion & Extraversion

It's strange sometimes the things that pop into your head. The parallels that you make. The ideas that manifest while you're minding your own business.

I was doing the latter when I was struck by a thought that was both ridiculous to entertain but also intriguing. Having the opportunity for much solitude recently, I wondered if the diminishing household was perhaps contributing to my lack of success writing.

It was not my thought that if more persons were present I would magically find myself writing, but more along the idea that I generate energy the more full the atmosphere. Growing up in a household teeming with people, I was always used to there being noise and movement around me. Now that same place runs under half complement if not less, and I think that somewhat disturbs me. It's too quiet, too isolating and I don't really enjoy that very much.

It makes me wonder quite thoroughly; is the energy of my writing intrinsically wrapped up in my social circumstances? Am I experiencing a sustained low-tide because of a lack of that critical energy? Do people with more introverted natures find themselves more empowered to write during solitude?

It's a fringe question at best. I know better than most that my writing is down to me, and if I want to make it happen I have to make it happen. But it does intrigue me. It makes me wonder if I might become more prolific if successful, simply because of the social engagements it may bring. It helps me think that maybe, just maybe, this slow paced writing isn't solely down to my issues or not wanting it enough, but rather that I alone am generating the energy to write and thus it's taking much more.

Such a strange calling, writing is. An activity where you have to separate yourself from others in order to get it done, but where you need the interaction, the exposure to situations and people, the change of environment and thought, to do it effectively.

I wish I could get a handle on it.

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Ahoy Thar Shipmaet! We be sailin' t3h failboat seas!